Category Archives: Uncategorized

Brainstorming; solo think sessions

So there’s brainstorming in a group and then there is what I think of as brainstorming alone. I often brainstorm alone. The reason for this is that I frequently work alone on projects. The other reason for my solo brainstorming … Continue reading

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Web Security Testing Cookbook

An O’Reilly book on web security testing is about to be released. I was a previewer for the book and have been reading chunks of the book these past months. The book is highly readable and packed with ideas. I … Continue reading

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Well this begins sounding like a confession … I haven’t blogged in two months and in my last post, I wrote about my thoughts during a difficult family crisis. So now what? In practical terms, my mom’s condition has stabilized … Continue reading

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23 rooms

This has been a hard week. My mom became critically ill and remains in ICU. This might seem a strange time to blog … …but writing helps me. And if my blog is a reflection of me and my life … Continue reading

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Data sources for exploration

Sometimes when I’m looking into ways to analyze data or I want to play with an analysis tool, chart or technique I need data. Sometimes I don’t want to use data gathered through my work and sometimes I don’t want … Continue reading

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Assorted thoughts and links on data visualization

These thoughts and links are related but random – while I normally blog in more of a story format – these thoughts tie together only through the theme of data visualization. Picked up on this blog re: data visualization. Nice … Continue reading

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Mapmakers and testing

I like maps. Last night I attended another event in a series of events known as the Festival of Maps here in Chicago. Dennis McClendon, a cartographer hosted a talk on field testing street maps. In mapmaking, field testing means … Continue reading

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Recording a webcast

This morning I recorded a webcast with Scott Barber. The recording will be available soon through Tech Target. It was the third webcast I’ve recorded so I’ve been through the process before. Thought I share some thoughts on the experience. … Continue reading

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Notetaking taking while testing software

I write notes while I test software. I was concerned that writing this might not be interesting to other testers but when I think about people that might be new to testing, I thought write this, share it. Also I … Continue reading

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Seeking tool for tracking dlls

I’m looking for a tool replacement and hoping someone might be able to make a recommendation. The tool OpenTrap was an old favorite of mine. I’d run OpenTrap and then launch whatever application I was trying to get more information … Continue reading

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