Category Archives: Uncategorized

Testing Mnemonics as a Card Deck v2

I’ve updated the index card deck to include “AIM” by Robert Sabourin. An article referencing this mnemonic was published by Better Software in an article called “X Marks the Test Case: Using Mind Maps for Software Design” back in 2006. … Continue reading

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Experience Report: Sony S tablet versus the iPad

I expected to love the Sony S tablet; I had eagerly waited for the tablet arrival but wow, it didn’t turn out to be a good experience at all. I’m detailing my personal account of a Sony S tablet versus … Continue reading

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Search Testing with Different Languages

I started work on a new project and need to address search testing with a wide assortment of languages. And geez, this is a puzzle I’ve worked with before so I thought I would share some thoughts around the topic … Continue reading

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Can-Do List: One way to get unstuck. Really.

I met a person working as a test contractor on a project recently who said to me: “There are no requirement documents so therefore I cannot write test scripts. And this means, I cannot test.” I’ve heard this before from … Continue reading

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More articles on software testing

Here are two articles I published this month on testing. “Improve Your Testing and Your Testers with Paired Testing” Ideas and stories on paired testing InformIT, April 2010 “Insights from Running UAT Sessions” Four insights you can gain from user … Continue reading

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recent articles on software testing

This afternoon I was talking with a friend and colleague who asked me about my writing, more specifically about software testing articles I’ve written. He was surprised to learn that I had published six articles in the past couple of … Continue reading

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Someone asked me recently why I don’t participate more in software testing forums. Why I don’t blog more often. Why they don’t find me “around” virtually as often as they used to. Balance was my answer. My online life was … Continue reading

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debriefing alone

I often test alone. But then testing is a rather solitary activity much of the time. So is writing. Not surprising, introverts have a way of finding activities that leave them alone. When I teach, I talk about using debriefs. … Continue reading

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brain games

I finally had a chance to visit a store in Chicago, called Marbles, The Brain Store. They sell games designed to strengthen the brain. Their website and newsletters include other info centered around the brain – and not everything is … Continue reading

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The repeat customer

Saturday morning I picked up a rental car. The process wasn’t unusual since I’ve picked up a car several times over the last few months from the same rental location. At this point, I know most of the car rental … Continue reading

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