Monthly Archives: July 2007

Passwords: salted, mixed, plain, and cracked

The password field is one data entry field I often fly past on my way to testing an application. But maybe I should slow down and spend more time on this essential field. After all, if I can access an … Continue reading

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Noise on the Line

Noise on the line. These words reverberate in my ears and have become a personal mantra that means something to me. Line noise is a term used to describe spurious signals that disrupt line connections. Noise on the line is … Continue reading

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Finding Good Fortune: CAST 2007

Here’s an idea about how to create your own good fortune and expand your software testing knowledge. Attend CAST 2007. CAST is the Conference for the Association for Software Testing. We’ve lined up a great program – ok, so I’m … Continue reading

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Telling the Story through Statistics

Hans Rosling does a fantastic presentation posted on Ted Talks. Rosling brings data and statistics to life. For anyone in software testing who’s been thrown in front of the executive management team and been asked to present statistics – whether … Continue reading

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