Schools of Software Webcast

Scott Barber and I recorded a webcast on the schools of software testing, you can find it here:

The topic is the schools of software testing. At the time of the recording, the topic wasn’t being bantered about as much as the topic has in recent months in the blog world. The topic seems to spark up at times, submerge and then resurface. Perhaps as testers we could muse over this repeatable pattern of the topic – and it so happens that patterns and detecting patterns is a more interesting topic to me than arguing about the schools. The arguing around the schools wears me out, it just isn’t an argument I have the energy for.

The topic, by the way, wasn’t chosen by either Scott or myself.

We recorded the webcast months ago – in fact, it was just about a year ago – I’m not sure why it didn’t get released before. The webcasts on the site don’t tend to stay up past a few months so I don’t know how long it will be around.

I tried listening to the webcast but its weird listening to yourself. I think for the most part, it does sound like Scott and I chatting and we do, I think sound like ourselves. Gee, I talk too much.

Typical to my favorite forms of speech, I digress and tell stories throughout the recording. Scott tells stories too. I think the plus of a recording versus an article is that you can hear the people speaking and get a better sense of each person than you might from print. Not surprising, I think the stories we tell are the most interesting parts of the recording.

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