
Well this begins sounding like a confession … I haven’t blogged in two months and in my last post, I wrote about my thoughts during a difficult family crisis. So now what?

In practical terms, my mom’s condition has stabilized although remains difficult. Another family member has become ill. More issues have come along putting my family in one of the most difficult times I have ever seen. Heartfelt and honest, this is where I have been. Consumed.

In a quiet moment the other day, I opened my writing notebook and became confused. I couldn’t recall when I had last written anything. Notes showed a conversation with a surgeon. The date showed six weeks had passed; I flipped the pages thinking I had missed pages, perhaps pages had stuck together? But then I realized, what I have missed is days.

I am now slowly returning.

I am back to work. My ability to be consumed by work helps. I have started writing notes again. I have begun reading again. I am now working on two of the coolest projects I have possibly ever had. What a gift to have interesting issues to solve. I am grateful.

I made a commitment when I began blogging that my blog would be about software testing, about my work. And I return. Posts to come …

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